Wednesday, June 24, 2009

KL Marathon 2009

These was the first marathon ever in my life - Standard Chartered KL Marathon 2009, it was held on 28 June 2009... Sometime in this year, i registered myself for the 10km run. The race was divided into five categories - Full Marathon (1,900 runners), Half Marathon (2,800 runners), 10km (5,100 runners), 5km Family fun run as well as the kid's dash.

On the race day itself, i took the RapidKL bus from Taman Jaya to Dataran Mederka at 5.40am, it was so early and sleepy! The RapidKL bus carried full of 10km runners! Everyone in the bus looked so excited and happy!

(Route map for KL Marathon 2009)

My main objective is to finish the 10km run, not to become a winner! At least, i tried before! When asked about whether i've well train myself for the run? The answer is NOT REALLY! I only ran on the treadmill once a week after work! The max i can do was 3km!

These run was fun, i can said! All the runners have only 1 goal which is to reach the finish point as fast as possible! In the 10km run category, majority of the runners are young people (like me), but i did see old citizen who ran faster than me (oh, very empharising)! They must be the one who run every single day! Good for them! They will have long living life!

It was a long run for me! I should have train myself to run at least 10km on the treadmill before i go for the actual run! ("If fuction" always happened to me!) Half way of my run, i felt that my hands were nubbed and were swallon! I was so scared, i thought i was going to die, but my body was okay that time! My toes were so painful, perhaps because of my new Reebok Running Shoes! Haven't really used to it yet! Okay, after all these excuses, finally, i reached the finished point!! YEAH!!

My timing was 1:44:23.77 (i thought i finished within 1 1/2 hours! because from the timing board i saw it was before 1:30). But it doesn't make much difference between 1:30 and 1:44!! hahah!! My position for 10km Women was 1259 (was it good? don't think so!)

Kind of IN LOVE with Marathon, I decided to join Half Marathon next year! So, I should prepare and train myself NOW!! Am I crazy? hahah!! It is 1 stone kill 2 birds, because besides I can train for my Marathon, I hope I can lose some weights! hahah!

Thinking of joining PJ Half Marathon this year sometime in August... But don't think The Star has publish the event! I am waiting!

Monday, June 22, 2009





三家人两辆车。。。 我们一共有六大两小。。。 我们的小孩子只有一两岁。。。

他们两家人共乘一辆车,而我和阿比一辆车。。。 分别在不同的时间出发。。。

我们已预订了酒店 – HOLIDAY VILLA,因为这个时候是学校假期+公共假期,我们的酒店是超贵的!(没法子,因为阿赖只可以在假期才能和我们一起去玩!)一间度假屋(八百九十零吉一夜),网页上说明三间房可住6-8人,可是当我们到达时,只有两间睡房,一间客厅。。。正体来说,很小!很不值得!虽然我们那间度假屋有个人泳池,可是我很不满意!!!我敏感的鼻子受不了!


第一个晚餐,因为妈妈们为孩子喊饿,结果我们随便选了一间位于Cherating的华人餐馆 Duyong 餐馆,解决我们的晚餐!随便做决定的成功率是低的。。。 一餐不美味又贵的晚餐。。。后,就到附近的商店走走。。。



第二天一早我就起身了,因地板太硬了,被单也不干净,弄得我的鼻敏感发作! 整晚不得好睡!而且被蜇咬了几口!!

用了早餐后,我们就开始我们的旅程!到关丹一定要去林明山!六大二小共乘一辆四轮车前往林明山。。。 坐了很久的车程都还没到。。。 腰骨都直了!!

穿过树林,越过水流,我们终于到达林明山!! !不知是不是因为是假日,林明街看起来好像是个死城。。。 很多店都没有开。。。可是街上可以看到很多游客很彷徨的样子。。。 应该是要找林明最著名的林明豆腐和林明面 (一定是看了阿贤的节目。我们又撞板!阿贤介绍著名的林明豆腐和林明面竟然没有开!! 天啊~ 那么老远来到,竟然只有个“吉”! 既来之,则安之,我们只好随便找一家有卖林明面的档口,享用我们的林明面。。。林明面的味道很特别,它的汁是番茄汁,口感还不错!

回酒店的途中,我们到Kemaman Kopitiam 喝下午茶。。。 Kemaman Kopitiam 就好像White Coffee Kopitiam。。。 价钱的差异也不多。。。

后,我们便回酒店了。。。菲,敏,赖和维带着他们的小孩到海边戏水,放风筝。。。 我因为不舒服,便留在酒店里。。。

晚餐,我们到关丹一家道地餐馆吃晚餐。。。 原本要点那餐馆的名菜,可是因为是假日,吃客人很多,厨师吊架,不要弄复杂的菜肴。。。 我们只好点了一些家常便饭。。。美味可口的菜肴,价钱也很公道!它的椰子虾,清蒸鱼,都很好吃!!

吃饱了晚餐后,我们就前往著名的UNCLE ZUL 沙爹吃甜品!到底UNCLE ZUL 会好吃过加影沙爹?我们十分的期待!果然,UNCLE ZUL 的沙爹会比较美味, 因为肉比较多,口感比较好!! 价钱也比较便宜!
